Can plants alleviate ‘Sick Building Syndrome’?

Can plants alleviate ‘Sick Building Syndrome’?

Have you ever felt a noticeable change in the frequency or severity of allergies, illnesses or just feel hindered by a constant malaise? It could be the result of something called ‘Sick Building Syndrome,’ which is triggered by poor indoor air quality.

Volatile organic compounds, molds and a lack of proper ventilation can also all contaminate indoor air and endanger your health.

Office buildings with large floor areas and deep plans (e.g. low and wide buildings) are seldom ‘green’ buildings as they can be difficult to ventilate naturally and there is limited access to natural light and views.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has conducted numerous studies over the past 25 years that have identified 107 known carcinogens in modern offices.

Some of the more commonly reported symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome are:

  • Headache
  • Eye, nose and throat irritation
  • Fatigue
  • Respiratory illness
  • Dizziness and nausea

Studies have shown that health complaints at work and symptoms associated with Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) can be dramatically reduced by the addition of good plant displays.

Avoid Sick Building Syndrome – Find a Plant Expert

Plant expert Butch Deedman owner of Deedman Plants said: “Good interior landscaping can give people access to an indoor garden or views of vegetation, especially if there is an atrium or other large space, and the combination of plants and artificial daylight can help overcome the problems of lack of access to natural daylight.”

NASA have also been studying which plants can remove and filter volatile organic compounds and other carcinogenic materials from the air.

Some common pollutants are formaldehyde, which is used in pressed wood furniture, xylene, which is found in varnishes paints and benzene, which is found in rubber, detergents, lubricants, dyes, and pesticides.

Formaldehyde, just one of the many pollutants is picked up by the following plants.

  • Spathyphillium
  • Ivy
  • Bromeliads
  • Dracaena Marginarta
  • Ficus Benjamina
  • Philodendron
  • Nephrolepsis
  • Sanserviaria

For further information on Sick Building Syndrome, then you can contact Butch Deedman at Deedman Tropical Plant Specialists