In 2010 a Devon school picked up an award for its outstanding commitment to reducing energy costs across its facilities. The school saves £20,000 per year on electricity bills, promoting energy saving behaviours amongst staff and pupils alike.
Light replacement using LED lights, the use of solar energy as well as hydro and biomass technologies are at the forefront of the school’s commitment to the reduction of energy costs.
As a flag bearer for energy saving initiatives, the school has also helped to engage other local primary schools and the wider local community in energy saving projects by encouraging energy reduction surveys that can help identify areas of energy wastages and propose solutions to those issues.
It is not just in the adoption of new technologies that can help save energy in schools that reaps benefits; it also the role of educating young people as to their role in becoming more energy aware. The school appointed pupils to oversee and monitor energy use, with personal pledges to reducing energy costs displayed in the school hall, to engender a community feel to the initiative.
The environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy even runs an Eco-Schools programme that is aimed at engaging schools throughout the country to commit to a seven-step process to address environmental issues. Some 70% of schools throughout the UK are currently involved with the programme.
One energy-saving expert, Dave Parden at Walls Data & Electrical told us: ‘The educational sector has a responsibility to lead the way in energy efficiency and renewable energy, as they are custodians of our next generation of entrepreneurs and business owners. If schools don’t demonstrate a commitment to ‘do their bit’ to tackle climate change, their pupils may also fail to engage with the issue.’
He continued, “Many schools are now looking to take action, as year on year energy cost rises are hugely impacting their budgets.
Many schools have been installing Solar PV, Voltage Optimisation and Biomass Boiler technologies which have all had a hugely positive impact.”
If you would like to discuss your renewable energy and energy efficiency options please call Walls Data & Electrical on 0161 714 4475.