Can Office Space Market Your Core Values?

Can Office Space Market Your Core Values?

What is your company culture and how does it impact on how you market yourself to people? While there are very clear forms of marketing, including various forms of digital communication, there are other ways in which businesses communicate what they are all about to their customers, and to their own staff.  One of these is the office space – or the actual physical space – they occupy.

“Your office space is a silent communicator about your business,” Ajaz Haq points out. Ajaz is Director of Sales and Marketing for Manchester-based, Form Interior Contractsspecialising in office furniture, design and layout.


The Right Environment


“A business’ physical space should reflect its brand values. It should help to nurture the kind of culture that will help the business to grow and thrive, and to make its employees feel like they have a valuable role to play”

Ajaz Haq, Form Interior Contracts


“It’s not some flight of fancy to capture your core values in how your office space is laid out,” Ajaz observes. “Your office layouts and furnishings will impact on workflow and staff engagement, and will create an immediate impression on any external visitors.”

It is vital, therefore, that this impression is the right one.

“Businesses must understand what their employees want, and how this dovetails with their own corporate culture,” says Ajaz. “This corporate culture is both inward and outward-looking.”

“Inwardly, it’s important that a company shows its workers how it values them,” Ajaz remarks. “Outwardly, this should present a coherent identity to customers and clients.”


Physical Marketing

Ajaz recently attended one of M3 Media Publishing’s Marketing Challenge Workshop events, and has found the experience valuable in helping him see the marketing potential in office space design.


“You might not immediately see the connection but your physical office space, and how you furnish, it is another form of marketing

Ajaz Haq, Form Interior Contracts


“Don’t underestimate the potency of your office space in communicating your corporate stories, to your staff, customers, visitors and prospects” Ajaz concludes.

To discover ways to strengthen how you communicate your brand values, through office space design, please call Form Interior Contracts on 0161 410 0010 or visit