Bart O’Sullivan industry expert from Ennis Construction explains how a new tool for pipe lifting is making construction sites safer.
Bart talked to Property Aspects Magazine about a new pipe lifting machine and how it is revolutionary for the construction industry.
As one of the most environmentally friendly and competitive materials, it is little wonder that concrete pipelines have been the top choice for contractors for over a century. However the handling of them can take up a number of workers’ time and has been a major contributor to accidents on site.
“Traditionally when off loading a concrete pipe, a contractor would need to stand on the bed of the vehicle, and this is when accidents and injuries can occur.,” explains Bart.
“However, the Concrete Pipeline Systems Association (CPSA), has a new Pipe Lifter which removes the need for anyone to stand on the bed of the vehicle or for anyone to stand in the trench during jointing.”
“What’s more is that it dramatically reduces the installation time by 50% – giving companies a significant cost saving. We have found that this tool is revolutionary for the industry. It is simple, requires no hydraulic links or additional energy requirements on site.”
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