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energy savings

Schools: How Can Energy Savings Impact Your Budgets?

How much strategic priority do schools place on planning their budgets? The National College for Teaching & Leadership suggests that...

BREEAM architecture plans

Architects: Will the Bigger BREEAM Help You?

Established in 1990, the BREEAM scheme for accrediting buildings based on their environmental credentials has had significant implications...

Does extreme weather show the need to plan for climate change?

The chairman of the Environment Agency, Lord Chris Smith says Britain needs to plan now for more erratic, unpredictable and extreme...

Energy Reduction – Is this moving up on your business agenda?

Increasingly companies are setting public energy reduction goals as businesses better recognize the link between reduced energy...

Are your plans at risk of flooding?

Rain battered Britain is continuing to suffer a summer soaking with renewed risks of further flooding, the Environment Agency has warned....